Month: June 2016

Beauty for Ashes

Lee Ann Christ

After almost 12 years, my heart still takes a blow upon rising in the morning and encountering Brian’s absence. And there are still times of great distress and tears, when something triggers a guttural response and the pain is just as intense as the day he left us. This doesn’t occur every morning anymore, and the pain does not surface intensely every day the way it did the first days, months, years.

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Tonia Lynch Lowe

Children are not supposed to die. Parents expect to see their children grow and mature. Ultimately, parents expect to die and leave their children behind. This is the natural course of life events, the life cycle continuing as it should. …The loss of a child is the loss of innocence, the death of the most vulnerable. When a parent dies, you lose your past; when a child dies, you lose your future.


Memories From a Dad

Sean Fewer

In memory of Damon Fewer. Damon’s 9th Angel date was May 22, 2016. This poem was submitted to the local papers in his memory by his father, Sean Fewer.

A thousand memories of you I hold

Thoughts held so close and dear

All a treasure to behold

Of a time when you were near


Memories Here and In My Heart

julie mcgregor

Julie McGregor

My son Joel died nearly 9 years ago. Joel lived at home and for a few years after, his room remained exactly as it was on that day. A life cut short, never knowing this would be his last day on earth. Memories filled every drawer, cupboard, hanging space, pictures on the walls, teenage stuff on his desk and the contents of his computer. Then of course there was his sound system, complete with turntable and mixer, he really loved music.


Math and Memories

Debra Reagan

During my grief journey, I have listened as fellow bereaved travelers imparted the fact that life is forever changed after the death of a child. For sure, on this we can agree. Since I thirsted for more information, I thought I would share a change I have noticed. Whenever the subject of a past event, or time is brought up, my mind rushes to do the math. I found this surprising in a way. I suppose I might be considered to have average math skills in everyday life. However, in normal conversation, when the subject is about a time or event in the past my mind can do amazingly fast calculations.
