Month: June 2017

Mother’s Day

Tracy Bradshaw

Quite soon a day will be here
Never thought I’d dread
A day that I held so dear
And loved what you said,You granted the sweet title
Which meant the world to me
Purpose that made me vital
A sought reality,

Responsibility and joy
Full of love and grace
A blessed little baby boy
Smile on your face,

From the depths of my own core
Snuggled in each bone
Mommy loved you more and more
Proud how you had grown,

I never in any dream
Had when you were young
Thought this special loving team
Shortly would be one,

If I’d chosen one to stay
It would have been you
But I didn’t have a say
When, where, what, or who,

That special day of your birth
Thoroughly rooted
Our cozy home here on earth
Sadly intruded,

This team is now one left here
Bereaved is the mom
But the spirit held so dear
Helps to keep things calm,

Please send me a little sign
To assure me now
My heart says you’re always mine
Could you show me how?

This upcoming Mother’s Day
I’ll try to ponder
Memories of the month of May
Where hearts and spirits wander.

Sawyer’s Mom
Tracy Bradshaw


Sean Fewer
In Memory of Damon

The sights and sounds of what’s around slowly fade away
A flood of precious memories return from yesterday
Encircling me and moving past, like a fast approaching tide
I catch a ride on one of them as I turn inside
The world outside seems so far off
Like a bustling distant land
Here is where you hold my heart
And I your little hand
My lips stay sealed, but my heart speaks
Of the love I have for you
When I come here, I feel you near
Wistful…but it’s true
No weight of being, no encumbrance of sorrow
Just surrounded by love with hope for tomorrow
Then the return of sight and sound
Brings me back to the place you left
The tide recedes, but the affect profound
Poignant memories of a family bereft
A pensive journey of the heart and mind
What I have there, here I cannot find
Tears of the soul in searching for peace
Are nurtured by faith and a love that won’t cease.