Month: March 2020

Miracles Poem

Vicki Carter

Does God still do miracles today?
I believe the stories of old.
He healed the sick, the lame, the blind;
The dead rose at His voice I’m told.

But does He still do this today?
Are people healed when He intervenes?
Do tumors disappear, the lame walk,
Sight restored, many things unforeseen?

The accounts are numerous for sure.
Many are healed even today.
God is still at work, I know.
It is important to have faith, to pray.

But what about when the answer is “No”.
Did we not have enough faith or prayer?
Did we fail somehow, get it wrong?
It’s easy to place blame, but beware.

God’s ways are not our ways, says Isaiah (Isaiah 55:8-9)
God’s thoughts are not the thoughts of man.
He loves His children so very much,
But only He knows the best plan.

Is it easy to trust, when the pain is great?
When one life spared and another lost?
We may never understand why,
But must trust He understands the cost.

A thorn in the flesh, not removed,
A loved one taken too soon.
He is made strong in our weakness.
To our pain, He is not immune.

He willingly gave His Son for us.
We didn’t ask or deserve to be blessed.
He chose to love you and me that much.
This sacrifice I couldn’t make; I confess.

He knows our pain; He walks with us.
He carries us when we need Him to.
He gave us the Holy Spirit to fill us,
To strengthen us and make us new.

He will never leave nor forsake us.
His yoke is easy, His burden light.
Trust Him when the hard times come,
Rest in His promises, in Him delight.

Yes, Lord You still do miracles today!
I believe the stories that are told.
You heal us all in Your Way, Your time.
I trust Your Love, something to behold!

Faith and Tears

Vicki Carter

When the pain is so great,
You just can’t hold it in.
The tears refuse to stay,
As they drip off my chin.

Many will look away,
They don’t know what to say.
Nothing can ease the pain,
Just a hug is Okay.

Is my faith not strong now?
If I believe He cares,
He is good; always faithful;
He answers all my prayers.

But my heart is broken,
A precious life is gone.
I know we’ll be together
One day in the New Dawn.

For now, the pain is great,
But my faith is still strong.
The tears will always come.
He collects every single one.  (Psalm 56:8)

He’s walking beside me;
Holding me, carrying me.
Comforting me, loving me.
Giving me rainbows to see.

“God hugs” along the way,
To say, “I’m here with you.”
The tears will come, it’s Okay;
You’re tears I will renew.

Faith and tears together,
God says they are Okay.
Our walk on earth is hard,
But He’s with us all the way.