Jean-Ann Washam

You are the first thing I think of in the morning and the last before I go to bed. Nothing can prepare a mother for the loss of her child. July 19th will be one year since the accident that claimed your life. It has been a hard journey. However, I am grateful for the 18 years I had with you. I remember the day you were born. I called you my little man because you were tiny and had a lot of extra skin. Who knew you would grow to be 6 feet tall towering over me?

I cherish every memory of you. You challenged me to be a better person. I knew early on I would just have to hold on for the ride. This became evident with my first parent teacher conference. Ms. Babely shared that you raised your hand and told her she could teach the lesson that way but then proceeded to tell her how you thought the lesson should be taught. You were one smart cookie and excelled academically. I flippantly told you if you scored a 33 on your ACT, I would buy you a car. Imagine my shock when you did. I am most proud of how you used your gifts to help others. Peer tutoring was a part of your routine early on. At graduation, your teacher told me that some students would not have received their diploma without your help.

You were also fiercely loyal. Once a friend always a friend. You valued friendship and family more than anything. I miss our home being the hang out and the smell of Philly cheese steak sandwiches as your friends packed into the kitchen. God gave me the insight to enjoy those moments, even the sink full of dirty dishes I always found the next morning.

You were far from perfect, but you were an incredible son. I miss your smile, the smell of your cologne and the way you called me Jeanie Weenie. I miss your tennis matches, you helping me put up the Christmas decorations, our lunches at Elsazon and calling you every day on my way from work. I mourn who you would have become and unfulfilled dreams. I have cried countless tears for you, but God has given me a comfort that I cannot describe. HE has and will continue to sustain me until I see you again. #Forever 18

Jean-Ann attends Listening Hearts’ Morristown gatherings.