Vicki Carter


When your world falls apart,
Your heart is broken
You can’t take a breath
The worst has happened

How do you trust?
How do you believe,
That God is still good,
When nothing you see is good?

When the pain is so deep
You can’t reach up past the pain
He will reach down to you
Just trust the heart of your Father.

But God…
I know You are good!
I know You are faithful!
But the pain is so deep.
I can’t reach up past the pain.

My child…
You must rest in the pain
You must sit at My feet
With your head on My lap.
Trust the heart of your Father.

When the pain is so deep
You can’t reach up past the pain
He will reach down to you
Just trust the heart of your Father.

Yes God…
You are still good!
You are still faithful!
Even when the pain is so deep,
That I can’t reach up past the pain.

Then Lord…
I will rest in the pain
I will sit at Your feet
With my head on your lap
And trust Your heart, my Father.

When the pain is so deep
You can’t reach up past the pain
He will reach down to you
Just trust the heart of your Father.