Listening Hearts is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization.  We are a self-help gathering of bereaved mothers from all walks of life. We wish every day that there was not a need for such a group. It does not matter the age of the child, cause of death, or length of time since the child’s death. All bereaved mothers are welcome, as we help each other find ways to carry the pain of loss and the joy of love for our children in the same heart.

Donations to 501 (c) (3) organizations are tax deductible. Listening Hearts is managed by an all volunteer staff of officers and board members, therefore, donations are applied to the mission of the organization.

Our Mission

To provide a safe shelter for grieving moms.

Core Value Pillars

Core values to achieve the Listening Hearts mission are:

  • Compassionate understanding
  • Hope for the future
  • Empathy through similar experiences
  • Nonjudgmental respect
  • Lifelong support and encouragement
  • Open communication through shared feelings

Our Vision

Listening Hearts is the recognized community of bereaved moms, offering support and a safe haven to moms throughout the grief journey.