Carmen Van Horn

I am not artsy at all, but I went to a paint party and made this for my son’s birthday tomorrow. The RDVH (his initials) and 22 for how old he would be if he were with us.

There is a cross in the sky because I know he is with Jesus. In the waves I have little hearts to represent my love for you is always strong.

The colors in the sky are the different ways grief has hit. Red is pain. Blue is depression. White is hope. Black is anger. Yellow is the battle. There are many colors that blend and bleed into one another.

The ship is a representation of how I feel like an empty shell sometimes. My boat sails toward the sun…my son and someday we will be together and complete.

Mom, Carmen In Memory of Duncan

1 Comment on Art

  1. Carmen, first of all, my condolences on the loss of your son. I too, lost my son 20 months ago. It is a never ending battle of grief. I miss him so much. Your painting is absolutely beautiful ! I wish I could do something like that, but I have no artistic talent whatsoever ! I am sure your son loves it. Stay strong & keep faith with you.

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